Jun 3, 2010

施永青: 富士康「食水深」嗎?

富士康十三連跳後,郭台 銘雖親臨深圳鞠躬道歉,但得不到輿論原諒。人們覺得,郭台 銘這麼有錢,身為臺灣首富,為甚麼只 熱衷於不斷賺錢,而不理工人死活?賺這麼多,帶得入棺材嗎?


如果這筆錢郭台 銘願意不賺,拿來分給六十萬員工,平均每人也只 得六十六美元,分成人民幣也祇有四百五十元,相等於每月可以加薪四十元左右。由此可見,要富士康進一步改善廠內生產環境,物質條件並不太足夠,富士康祇能從調整管理文化,改善對工人的態度上,去防止再出現跳樓事件。

當然,去年並非富士康的好年,它的業績這麼不濟是受到金融海嘯的影響。零六年它業績好的時候,營業額高達一百零三億八千一百二十三萬,年內溢利七億一千七百八十五萬,比零九年的溢利多18倍。但即使在好年,它的盈利率也祇是7%左右。花這麼多的錢,聘用了幾十萬工人,才 賺這7%的利潤,絕不算是一份好做的生意。


但香港的傳媒,卻一味把矛頭指向 富士康,對美國的大公司則只 曉得阿諛奉承,說他們很有社會責任,在落訂單給工廠的時候,會要求廠方善待工人,注意環保,否則就可能撤單。現實是這類大公司要求多多,就是不肯付錢,他們只會把訂單交給報價最低的公司。這種情況下,廠方為了節省成本,惟有向 工人開刀,還要被輿論指責為社會罪人。

其實,大部分中國的廠商利潤都很微薄,他們只要是靠規模賺錢。但規模大,風險亦大;因此,做廠做到破產要走佬的也不少。我也投資過內地的玩具廠與制衣廠,賺埋,賺埋,一次失誤就全部蝕出去。李嘉誠先生佩服郭台 銘能把生產規模做得這麼大不是沒有道理的。


(Link: http://shihwingching.mysinablog.com/index.php?op=ViewArticle&articleId=2322245)

See the Longer Story...

May 4, 2010


After so much news on droughts, floods, and other natural disasters happened around the world lately, it's pretty a good time to review the documentary 'HOME' again. Although the film provided only hard facts about the Earth, they are so impressive and left me in awe every time I watched it. Enjoy it YouTube here.

A little bit interesting information about the shooting of 'HOME':

See the Longer Story...

The Cove

Thousands of dolphins are being slaughtered in Taijii, Japan, for profit every year, and the local government seemed to permit the business. 'The Cove' is about the story of how a few people went against the government to uncover this shocking fact to the world.

This is an award winning documentary. Please find more information about the movie on IMDb here.

Movie Review

One of the absurd excuses the Japanese government used for killing dolphins was that the dolphins were eating up fishes, which were also the target of Japanese fishing business. They named the slaughter 'pest control', and they were proud that the time they killed each dolphin was getting shorter and shorter each year, making the dolphins much less painful. We can very well see how ignorant and cruel can dirty money turn human kind into.

'The Cove' also talked about loopholes in the relevant regulations. Dolphins are a kind of whale, and there seems only one internationally recognised organization about protecting them, the International Whaling Commission (IWC). However, it does not have much established regulations regarding the fishing of dolphins yet and Japan played a significant role in the commission. A lot of the developing countries supported Japan simply because Japan pay them good money.

In the documentary, Ric O'Barry, the activist who is determined to stop the dolphin killing, was actually the famous dolphin trainer who popularized dolphins among the public in the 1960s, indirectly making dolphin shows a profitable business. Anyway, I'm amazed at his courage to stand up against the government and change the world.

Related Links

Below is a PSA on saving the dolphins, featuring a number of movie stars. For more information, please visit the official site for the movie here, or the follow-ups on the movie here.

See the Longer Story...

Apr 5, 2010

The Story of Bottled Water (2010)

The Third Series of the Story of Stuff! Enjoy!

See the Longer Story...

Sep 20, 2009

Imagine Leadership

Under the overwhelming pressure in daily life, we often need some reminder to keep the goodness and passion in our heart. Here is one. A presentation by XPLANE and Nitin Nohria and Amanda Pepper of Harvard Business School's Leadership Initiative on the topic of leadership.

See the Longer Story...