Mar 27, 2008

There is Beauty in All People

Angola is an African country. It is one of the Africa's major oil producers, but is also one of the world's poorest countries. Apart from the long civil war, Angola is also "famous" for its unregulated diamond trade - blood diamond.

Millions of mines were planted in Angola during a 27-year civil war that ended in 2002. Tens of thousands have been injured by mines. They have lost limbs or suffered other injuries in mine explosions. And they continue to do so, even though the war ended six years ago. Indeed, landmine is still a global issue.

It is very interesting to learn that it is going to have a BEAUTY CONTEST - the "Miss Landmine Survivor" - for landmine victims on 2 April in Angola. The pageant has been organised by Angola's de-mining commission, and aims to restore the confidence of victims and raise awareness of their plight. Eighteen women will take part, one from every province in the country. All of the contestants have been maimed by landmines.

No matter how one looks or how poor one's situation is, all we need is ... respects from others. The co-ordinator of Angola's de-mining commission, Madalena Neto, says the aim of the competition is to restore self-esteem in women injured in mine explosions, and to show that there is beauty in all people.


Anonymous said...


it makes those people injured by landmines feel normal.

Anonymous said...

yea. I agree with Nicole. =)
They will then feel normal and gain confidence.
Just like there are competitions for the disabled in Olympics.