May 18, 2008

China as a Model for Authoritative Government

This is always an argument against the rise of China (i.e. seeing China as a threat) - if China really becomes a superpower, China would become a role model for dictators and authoritative governments, such as Burma, Africa, Dubai, Pakistan, Sudan. And arguably, it is not good for world peace.

This argument has surely been weaken by the prompt response of the Chinese leaders towards the 512 Sichuan Earthquake. China's Premier Wen Jiabao arrived Sichuan to supervise relief work within a few hours. The Chinese Government has released the latest development of the relief work from time to time. Media is allowed to follow the army in its relief work. Foreign aid is widely welcome and accepted by the Government. Foreign relief teams (even from Japan and Taiwan) are allowed to enter China to join the relief work eventually. All these have shown that a people-based/ people-oriented approach towards this natural disaster.

Of course, I am not saying the Chinese Government is without problems. The hugh casualties are partly due to the low quality of the construction of buildings. The slow progress of rescue work is partly due to lack of advance technology. The lack of warnings beforehand is partly due to inadequate research and development. I am sure some government officials should be hold accountable.

Nevertheless, the prompt response of the Chinese government and the subsequent relief work illustrate that an authoritative government can also care about the lives of its people. As I have mentioned before, whether a government is "good" or not, it does not solely depend on the political system itself. If one compares between Bush's response towards the Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans and Wen's response towards the Sichuan Earthquake, one could realise that a democratically elected President does not appear to be that "good" at all.

This article is not a critic towards the value of democracy, so I shall say no more. However, I hope that, if the Chinese Government shall be a role model for authoritative governments, the Burma Government could really learn from the approach of the Chinese Government towards its people's lives. I am "glad" to hear that the Burma aid situation is improving currently, but I hope more can be done. (Please click here for a comparison between China's and Burma's approach towards disasters)

While we are donating money and praying for people in Sichuan, let's not forget those in Burma who are still suffering!


Anonymous said...

this link from BBC is so encouraging... espeacially when it compared the government's handling approach to SARS back in 2003, where patient's life are definitely not the government's first priority.

Anonymous said...

and i remember an article on the newspaper s about a comment made by the times editor (i am not sure if this a the best link coz i cant really serch zell in paris =P)

it is about intervening Burma because of its poor handling of disaster management but what strikes me most was the phrase 給戰爭一個機會... i was shocked when i reqd it because i never thought thqt there zill be any ... any circu,stances zhere matters should be solved by war... i understand that pressure from foreign countries are necessary to a certain extent but this i think has gone too far and definietly have other hidden agenda behind.... i think the forgein countries dont really care about the people suffering fro, the disaster but are thinking ,ore about how to mess around with others or gain their own benefit....

anyways... time is running short in this internet bar and i will talk ,ore lqter....