May 7, 2009

Somaly Mam by Angelina Jolie

Somaly Mam survived the notorious Khmer Rouge in Cambodia and decided to stand up and deal with problems left behind by the genocide. She wrote books, set up Somaly Mam foundation, and started a non-profit organization called AFESIP to work with local authority to raid brothels and reintegrate the trafficked women into society. Looking into her life, we can see how Cambodians fight for their justice and their right to live freely and happily. To read more, here are the links to Somaly Mam Foundation and Wiki's introduction of Ms. Mam.

Also worth mentioning is that Angelina Jolie discussed about Somaly Mam's story in her column in Time magazine. Read the article here.

1 comment:

Yves said...

OH! we could go and visit them this year!!!!! =]